Easter Sunday Bulletin: Sermon: Weirdest Holy Easter Ever
For this day, we are offering an at-home liturgy that you can print out and use at your dinner meal. We suggest that after you eat dinner, you watch the Tenebrae service online video.
Printable PDF of Online Service Bulletin Printable PDF of Sermon If you would like to contribute to One Great Hour of Sharing we ask that you please follow these instructions: 1. Make a check payable to “Faith Presbyterian Church” 2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for “One […]
GOSPEL – John 4:5-42 Holy Wisdom. Holy Word. Thanks be to God.
HEBREW TORAH – Genesis 12:1-4a Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL – John 3:1-17 Holy Wisdom,. Holy Word. Thanks be to God.
HEBREW TORAH – Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7 Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL – Matthew 4:1-11 Holy Wisdom,. Holy Word. Thanks be to God.
HEBREW TORAH – Exodus 24:9-18 Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL – Matthew 17:1-13 Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. Thanks be to God.